What’s For Supper?

Today, I was on my way home from work, exhausted, and thinking about what’s for supper?

I like to use up my fresh vege’s because it breaks my heart to throw anything away . I was eating solo tonight, so I was just thinking of what I could make for one.    what's for dinner?

I knew I had one last small potato (a little smaller than a tennis ball) that had fallen by the wayside along with  half a red bell pepper and some onions. So that made me think sausage and peppers!  I had some hot and sweet  italian sausage in the freezer.

When I want something fast and easy, I think minimal cooking, that is why I love my spiralizer.

So, always thinking spices, when I pulled into the driveway, I got out of my car and right there, in the cold, 29 degree weather, was  thyme staring at me, still able to be picked. With sausage and peppers in mind, I figured some fresh thyme would really make this dish pop! So I picked some! That’s what I call having your spice and eating it too. Even when it’s freezing outside, my thyme is there for me! I love spices!

When I opened my vege drawer, I also found a few serrano peppers, and I had some butternut squash noodles left over from last night. (I keep some in the fridge for that last minute salad. That’s for another post).

So I got out my trusty spiralizer and thought about how to make a one pan plan that I could just throw in the oven. Easy! Thank goodness I keep a well stocked pantry for nights like this.

I preheated my oven to 375 degrees F. This is as no recipe recipe, this is what I did.

I cut some thin slices of the pepper, I would have spiralized that too, but it was already cut.We like peppers in salad, but being just the two of us we never use the whole thing at one time. I thinly sliced one serrano (I left in the seeds, more out of laziness than wanting the extra spice) took the leaves off the thyme, and minced a clove of garlic. About a half teaspoon of dry thyme leaves would be fine too, or oregano. Mix it up!

what's for supper?I  crumbled 1 hot and 1 sweet sausage in pretty good size pieces to cook quickly, (out of the casings) on top of a baking pan lined with parchment. I added the peppers, hot and sweet, and roasted them for 10 minutes to start the sausage cooking.

While that was cooking, I spiralized one small onion, and the potato. I didn’t peel the potato, just sliced off one end to even it up for the spiralizer. what's for supper?

what's for supper?

After about 10 minutes when the sausage was sizzling, I gave it a stir, added the onion, potato and a handful of butternut squash noodles. slightly mixed up. I sprinkled the minced garlic on top and added salt and pepper. Then I sprayed it with cooking spray and roasted it for about 10 more minutes. After that time, I gave it a stir, and roasted for about 5 more minutes to make sure the sausage was cooked. I don’t like to over cook the vege noodles, which is easy to do because then they fall apart.

I scooped it all onto a plate, leaving the excess sausage fat, topped it with a little shredded cheese, and had a side of sour cream to dunk it in and cool off the spiciness. what's for supper?

This was yummy, I took my first bite and couldn’t believe what a delicious meal I had made and it only took about half an hour.

I urge you to try this, I used what I had, but I’m thinking sweet potato, peppers, onion and sausage would be yummy too. Using a whole sweet bell pepper and a larger onion, 4 sausages, it’s easily doubled for 2 people. The added serrano pepper made it pretty spicy, so if you don’t like that much spice, because the sausage is hot too, just leave it out! This is a totally use what you like and have on hand.

Maybe a side of guacamole to tame the heat instead of or along with the sour cream would be yummy too!

I definitely recommend using the parchment, though, it leaves almost no clean up, which, on a weeknight, is so important!

Please leave me a comment, I’d like to know if you like this way of learning a new recipe or if a step by step directional is more to your liking. Thanks!

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