Activate Nrf2 Pathway with Turmeric and Ginger
Whatever happened to just eat healthy? It’s well known that I am not a fan of western medicine. It’s kind of backwards to me. Wouldn’t it make more sense to do preventive maintenance on our bodies and try to thwart sickness before it happens rather than wait until it’s too...
Black Pepper-The Most Popular Spice of All
What Is Black Pepper? Black pepper, the most popular spice of all, is the fruit of the plant from the Piperaceae family and is used as both, a spice and medicine. Its spiciness is due to the chemical piperine, not to be confused with the capsaicin which is the heat element in chili peppers. It is used...
A Little Salty Science- Where It All Began
Salt is neither a spice nor an herb. It is actually a mineral. Salt is an important nutrient we all need to make our bodies function properly, so here I will tell you why you need it and I will give you a background of the most common salts...
The Amazing History of Spices-More than just food
Spices and herbs are what I’m all about. I love spices and herbs! I think they are fascinating, they are more than just food! They have so many qualities and they aren’t really treated with the respect that I think they deserve. ...
About Jeanette
Hello, and welcome to my site! Spices are my thing. I am infatuated with them. I love how they grow, how they smell, and especially cooking with them. Spices are healthy, and adding them to your meals not only boosts flavor, but adds nutrition that is vital for your...